Person Pitch Leaks

January 31, 2007 at 7:39 pm (Leaks, Panda Bear, Person Pitch)

I suppose it was only a matter of time before it happened. As of 2:32 PM today, Panda Bear’s new album, set for a March 20th release, was leaked onto the internet. All of the usual applies here; I won’t give you a link, if you download this, then buy the album, etc. I would just like to point out that this album actually has me excited. That doesn’t happen too often anymore, so this must be one hell of an album.

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  1. Heart Attack Man said,

    I was lucky enough to get my hands on a leaked copy, which is usually how i tell if the artist deserves my money this time around, and then i buy it (i’m pro-piracy but there’s no satisfaction in collecting mp3’s).

    Anyway, I’ve had this on repeat for the past 4 hours, and I have to say Panda Bear really made a great record. This is going to be on my rotation for a while… And Panda’s getting my money for sure…

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